Sunday, April 23, 2023

Warm Memories

I just got back from a wonderful week visiting my folks in Arizona.  I had an airline credit that needed to be used and, quite frankly, it took very little (i.e. zero) convincing to book my ticket.  Of course, the chance of a respite from the relentless snow we've experienced this winter didn't hurt!  Seriously, I had such a great visit with Mom and Dad.

We had lots of adventures, from driving along the Snake River and spying some wild horses, to eating lots of delicious food (including this yummy breakfast from Joe's Farm Grill).
Dad and I walked around one of his fishing holes, and Mom & I did lots of shopping.  We even spent some time catching up with family friends Joel and Kathy - another treat!
It was a special visit with just me and my parents, filled with uninterrupted conversation and lots of reminiscing.  
Much love to you both!

Northern Lights


Shortly after dark a few weeks ago, Thane walked by the back window and noticed something peculiar in the cold, winter sky.  To our delight, we spent the next hour observing the ebb and flow of the northern lights.  While not super bright in our neck of the lower 48, it was still pretty spectacular.