Tuesday, May 25, 2021

One Proud Momma

As the school year comes to a close, we have participated in several end-of-year activities.  For Thane, this includes his last celebration in elementary school.  The day was filled to the brim with fun activities, including a bouncy house, endless cupcakes, Italian ices, a dunk tank, and (my personal favorite) a run through the spray of a firefighter's hose - compliments of our good-natured local fire department.

Thane later received the Leadership Award at the 5th Grade graduation ceremony in recognition of his good influence and leadership.

Not to be outdone, Annabel was inducted into the Junior High Honor Society for her grades, great attitude and record of service.  Here she is participating in the virtual event.

Annabel also attended her first prom last weekend.  Any prom is special, but this event was something that was close to all of our hearts.  Annabel helped out and served as an escort at the school district's prom for special needs students.  The event was incredible from start to finish.  Donors from all over town donated hair and make up services, limos and food for the evening.  Here is Annabel dancing with one of her buddies. 

To say that we are proud of both of our kiddos would be an understatement.  Their kindness inspires me daily.

The Home Stretch, Part 2


We continue to burn the midnight oil on the new house.  At T minus 10 days before the big move, we are kicking things into overdrive.  Jordan has hand crafted all of the drawers and shelves for our kitchen cabinets.


I sanded, stained, sanded and varnished our stair treads.
The replacement picture window from the upstairs library frames the view perfectly.  So glad that we took the time and effort to replace it.  Now if only we could stop working long enough to enjoy it.  Soon!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Home Stretch


Our new home is moving right along.  Jordan has the week off, and he is really hoping to have the construction done during his "break".  He's been working so hard creating custom kitchen cabinets and beautiful craftsman-style trim.

We've also tiled the master shower and grouted the floor tiles.  

In addition the exterior siding will start to be installed, and our back porch and parking pad will be poured with concrete.  At the end of the week a friend is coming to help connect all of the faucets and shower trim kits.  

We are on the final stretch - we can't wait to show you the final product!