Tuesday, May 21, 2019


In the hustle and bustle of our lives in recent weeks, this guy has been a rock.  Jordan works his heart out all day long but still manages to have energy left to help pack up the house, do a bunch of side work and spend time doing the things that are special to each of us.  He and Annabel held a movie marathon last weekend; later he and Thane went fishing.

My special time was a weekend in southern Maine/New Hampshire.  The two of us were able to get a quick trip to Portsmouth, where we literally ate our way through the weekend.  We also got a tour of Strawbery Banke (a colonial village) and hiked through Vaughn's Woods to the Hamilton House (childhood favorites).  He's even taken up photography, a passion of mine, so that we can learn together.
Doing life with this guy can be intense - but it's all good.  And the clock is ticking toward our next grand adventure.  Only 40 days to go.  Stay tuned...


One of the things that we most love about participating in the Washington County Children's Chorus is the sense of camaraderie and community within the group.  This is a crew that truly does support one another - in music and in life.  We had an opportunity to experience this first hand when we participated in one of the Chorus' annual fundraisers.  Each Easter and Thanksgiving the kids sell pies.  Over several days, members of the chorus and their families come together to make 200-300 pies from scratch.
For the first time we were able to participate for more than an hour or two - and what a day!  Annabel helped prepare blueberry filling and organize boxes/orders, while Thane specialized in making whipped cream with over 54 pints of heavy cream.

It was a great cause - and the results were delicious!