Monday, April 8, 2019

Strutting His Stuff

Yesterday morning we got to watch a flock of turkeys bask in the warm spring sun down by the river.  With the help of Jordan's spotting scope, we had an amazing view of this tom with at least 14 hens.  We spotted at least 2 other tom's strutting their stuff nearby, one of which had clearly been on the losing end of a fight for dominance.  We watched them for about 30 minutes before they meandered their way across the pasture and out of sight. So cool!

Honorary Pages

Annabel and Thane had a wonderful opportunity to be honorary pages at the State House in Augusta last week.  Sponsored by our local representative Will Tuell, who we adore, the kids paged in the House of Representative Chamber during one of its morning sessions.  After a warm welcome (see the photo above), Annabel & Thane were constantly busy for over 2 hours running messages and bills back and forth between representatives and staff. 
In between their duties, the kids watched proposed bills get debated and passed.  My dear friend Heidi, who is a state representative from a district in southern Maine, even walked us through submitting a bill from start to finish.
It was an incredible experience, and we are so grateful for everyone who helped to make it happen!