Sunday, March 16, 2014


The winter blues have definitely settled in here, especially since we just can't shake the conviction that the temperature highs in mid-March should not be hovering in the 20's!  BRRRR... We feel like we've stepped into some cruel Narnian world where it's "always winter and never Christmas."  Jordan and I have tried our best to keep the kids occupied but, quite frankly, we're running out of ideas.  So we attempt to build upon our previous winter adventures.

This weekend we revisited the fort concept - only on crack.  It's hard to tell from these pics, but the fort Jordan and the kids made yesterday was massive - it takes up the whole room.
The kids insisted on sleeping in it, of course.  Well, that lasted until about 2:30am, when both Annabel & Thane woke up whining because the floor was too hard, the fort was too dark, and they kept hearing "mystelious" noises.  With some bleary (and somewhat sluggish) maneuvering, we had them back in their normal beds in no time.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Snow Day

Old Man Winter just doesn't want to give us a break this year.  Here we are, almost halfway through March, and the kids are home enjoying a snow day.  The weather outside our snug condo is blistery, icy and plain old miserable.  So the kids are coming up with their own entertainment.
"Hey, Mom - guess what's wrong?"
"We fixed it! Giggle, giggle, giggle..." (Annabel comes out wearing Thane's pj's and vice versa for Thane.)
"Mom - this time we're serious.  We REALLY did it right."
Hilarious laughter ensues.

Spring can't come quick enough!