Monday, January 17, 2022

True Friends


So all four of us recently came down with COVID.  Thankfully Jordan, Thane and I all had minor complaints, and Annabel is one of those mythical unicorns who has managed to squeak by without any symptoms at all.  While it's no fun being sick (no matter how minimal), we are so grateful for friends and family who have expressed concern and sent us goodies.  Thank you to Jon and Kim, who sent a Starbucks gift card (they know the way to our hearts!).  We are also so glad for our fabulous friends, the Meineke's, who dropped off this basket full of cold and flu staples.  Especially appreciated were the cookies, and the incredibly thoughtful sugar free cough drops for me.

Stay healthy!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Inlaws vs. Outlaws

Have you heard the one about inlaws vs. outlaws?  That joke was on my mind a lot last week when Jordan's folks braved the wintry mountain passes and slick roads to visit us.  We always enjoy our visits with the Lentz' - and this time was no exception.  On their last trip to see us, we were deep in the throes of putting up our roof trusses and getting dried in as quickly as humanly possible.  Thankfully last week was decidedly more relaxed.

With the exception of a brief trip or two into town, we mostly sat around relaxing and enjoying each other's company.  And we ate.  A lot.  Over a 5 1/2 day span, we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas (twice!)  It's all about the food, as you can see!

Later in the week we celebrated Mom, Annabel and Jordan's birthdays.

We especially enjoyed the handmade gifts that Jordan's VERY talented Mom made: a dot drawing that Annabel loved, and a study on sheep that brings Jordan straight back to his Alaskan sheep hunt.

So, what's the difference between inlaws and outlaws?  The answer is that outlaws are wanted.  But in this case, the inlaws are infinitely more wanted!