Saturday, October 29, 2016


Kyandi - that's the japanese word for candy: キャンディ
It's what the kids were in search of on Friday during Machias' annual Maine Street Trick-or-Treat festivities.  We're not sure if it was the intimidating Sumo get-up or the cute kimono, but Annabel and Thane raked in more candy than ever this year.  What is it about kids and their compulsive desire to play make believe in an attempt to charm complete strangers into giving them junk food that will rot their teeth and fling them on a road of life long struggles with obesity and blood sugar issues? 

Oh well - how sweet it is!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

To Grandmother's House We Go

When Jordan and I were developing an alternate plan for our vacation, the one thing central to all of our planning was taking time to visit my grandmother in Michigan.  Gram and I are close, and I've been wanting to get to the mid-west to see her for a couple of years.

We pulled off a surprise visit, and spent a couple of days catching up and hearing stories about Gramma's childhood and early years of marriage.  She even took me to see the home in which she grew up.  Sadly, the home and farm land surrounding it was recently purchased and will most likely be demolished to make way for a new development.
We stayed at my Aunt Joy & Uncle Randy's home, which is always a blast.  We took a stroll along Lake Michigan,
and got into trouble with Aunt Joy (no surprise for those of you who know her!)
Gramma even made me a batch of my favorite fudge, a special treat which didn't last long!
I was pretty devastated about our canceled trip to Europe, but I am so very, very glad that I was able to spend time with my Michigan family instead.  Any time spent with Gramma is precious to me, and I won't ever forget our time together.

The Best Laid Plans

The last time that Jordan and I went to Europe, I was pregnant with Annabel.  It was wonderful trip, until Jordan developed an acute case of appendicitis and our busy tourist plans slowed down significantly.  Since then, I have been planning a follow up trip that would include places I've wanted to see for years:  Mont St. Michel, Neuschwanstein Castle, Salzburg and the Swiss Alps.  We've saved and planned for 9 years, and were eagerly anticipating our dream trip.  Our flight was scheduled to depart on September 30th.  Sadly, we missed one minor detail.  To travel to Europe, one's passport can't expire within 90 days of the return flight.  I missed the date by 11 measly days, a fact of which I was unaware until we attempted to board the plane.  No go.
So, what do you do when life serves you lemons?  You rant, rave and cry a little - but then you realize that this is a first world problem.  International travel is a luxury that few in this world can afford.  So, we headed home to try to re-coup some of our losses.  Then we opened a map and created Plan B.

Our first stop was Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.  We spent 3 days exploring and hiking the gorgeous Cabot Trail and Highlands National Park.  We saw some whales (living and dead), several moose, and stunning scenery.  Our hotel room even had a fireplace, in front of which was the perfect spot to plot the rest of our trip.
Then we spent a day in old Quebec City with all of its charming old buildings, European-style restaurants and boutiques.
We then made our way to Michigan, where we visited family (more on that in the next post).  On our way back east, we very much enjoyed an afternoon in Niagara, Canada.  I remember being awed by the falls when I last viewed them in 1981, and the sight is even more awe-inspiring now.
Next we hiked through the dramatic (and rigorous!) Watkins Glen gorge, which was particularly beautiful this time of year.
The end of our trip took us through southern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.  The foliage was perfect - we live in such a stunning part of the country!
While it wasn't the voyage we planned, we had an amazing time sightseeing, hanging out with family and getting to reconnect as a couple.  In the grand scheme of things, that's what really matters.

Seventh Heaven

You only turn 7 once, but apparently the birthday celebrations can last for weeks!  First, we met up with Kim & Jon in southern Maine.  They brought him gifts, and they treated him to some delicious bakery treats at Dustin's - YUM!
My parents were in town watching the kids when Thane's actual birthday arrived, and he celebrated by taking a train ride through Ellsworth.  Later he shot his very first animal:  a bothersome squirrel that was getting into the garage.
When we did return home, we had yet ANOTHER celebration with Jordan's Mom and Grandmother.  We had blueberry pancakes & bacon for breakfast, and then Thane got to open the rest of his gifts - including a fishing rod & reel from Mamma & Papa.
Seventh heaven, indeed!

Machias River Walks

Jordan and I have been walking 3-5 miles almost every night.  The exercise is a great way to keep my blood sugar levels in check, and it's a wonderful way for us to connect as a family.  We almost always walk on a trail along the beautiful Machias River.  The river is tidal, and its ecosystem provides life for a variety of bird species including bald eagles, egrets, herons, ducks, shags, and canadian geese.  On the trail we've walked within mere feet of does with their fawns, and many times we are followed by curious seals in the water.  Almost every night we see something new, and my favorite find was discovered a few weeks ago:
We almost stepped on this little guy, who must have hatched fairly recently.  He was working his way across the trail, and we might have helped him along just a little.
As the days grow shorter, we've also been blessed with some beautiful sunsets.  Life is good!