Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thane Time

Today my Dad took Thane and I to the Hall of Flame, a really great fire fighting museum in Tempe.  This very cool (or should I say hot?!) place houses 100 fire fighting vehicles dating from 1725 to the present. 

The collection is quite impressive.  There were early horse pulled fire wagons and huge modern trucks.  Also featured was fire fighting paraphernalia from all over the world, including this early Japanese uniform.
There's a great children's section on fire safety with a lot of interactive things to do including sliding down a small fire pole.
The museum has an impressive display of helmets from all the world, in addition to a badge collection that numbers in the thousands.  Perhaps most moving was a tribute to firefighters who have perished in the line of duty.  In fact the museum is proud to house an engine that was partially destroyed during the morning of September 11th.  It has since been restored.
After a long morning at the museum we headed over to the Bass Pro Shop, one of Thane's favorite places on the planet.  There he got a new high score at the shooting range and help feed the fish in the pond.
We topped off the day with lunch and a hot chocolate from Starbucks.  It was a good day!

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