Thursday, August 8, 2019

History Lives Here

On Monday the four of us took a 10 mile hike through some of the oldest Redwoods in California. 
The groves here are almost surreal.  The kids said it felt like we were little ants, walking through a field with bits of bright blue sky filtering through grass blades above. 
Halfway through the hike we stopped at a river to have lunch.  There was a bridge, but the kids preferred a more primitive method of fording the stream. 
Even better, why bother going over the stream, when one can walk through it?
The remainder of the hike was pretty cool too, with steps up and over fallen trees.
We loved the tranquility of the Redwoods.  You can almost sense the history that these majestic trees have lived through.  The Visitor's Center displays a large cross section of an old tree with markers indicating world events at various stages of its life.  This tree was already 7" wide when Oxford University was founded in 1096.  Pretty amazing.

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