Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Potty Training... Or Not

A couple of weeks ago, Thane starting taking off his pants, dragging us to the toilet and yelling "Pee!"  We all thought he was being his goofy self, until we indulged him one day, sat him on the toilet and were dumbfounded to see that he was actually using the toilet to go to the bathroom!  Since then, he's had several accidents and could care less about using the bathroom some days.  But he has remained interested enough that I decided to get him some big boy undies.  As I unwrapped the first pair, he seemed to know exactly what the underwear was for.  I ran out of the room to take a phone call, and found on my return that perhaps we've jumped the gun just a bit:
Ya, um, maybe we won't get too excited just yet...

1 comment:

Kathy Marsman said...

That is just precious !!