We've done a lot of outdoor work in the last few weeks. We put in a gravel road down to the bottom of the hill where the barn will be built, and then Jordan lined the road with rocks from a neighbor's farm. He also widened and smoothed out the area where we park our cars. We've even planted more aspens, willow bushes and lilacs. That is the extent of our landscaping this year, as putting in a deer fence, installing an irrigation system and constructing the barn will take priority.

In the meantime, several of the saplings in our little orchard are in bloom! We got apples last year, and are hoping for more, along with some pears and plums. Our strawberry, currant, raspberry and blueberry plants look promising as well.

As we have decided to focus on our big farm projects this year, we will only have a small garden. Annabel and Thane were more than happy to lend a helping hand with the potato planting. I dug a trough and prepped the spuds, while the kids planted, watered and heaped dirt back over the potatoes. Annabel was very methodical and placed each vegetable in a neat row, followed immediately by a gentle watering session. Thane, on the other hand, quickly tired of the tediousness of gardening work and decided to throw his taters into a couple of big piles. As you can see, he had even less patience with watering.
Perhaps he'll be a preacher when he grows up - he sure does seem to have that baptism ritual down pat!

Just watch - Thane's row of potatoes will probably produce more than than the rest of ours. He always seems to get the last laugh!
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