Monday, May 28, 2012

Nature Walks

Our kids adore being outside, and we are all grateful that warm weather is upon us.  Watering the plants, playing in dirt, bike riding, climbing and running are all enjoyable summer activities here.  Another favorite is our nature walks, where we identify all sorts of "treasures."  We made several forays into the wilderness around the cabin last weekend, and the kids were thrilled by several new discoveries.  Annabel spent hours scouring the shallows of the little pond and found freshwater snails and shells.  Logically, my anal retentive daughter took great care in bringing them home and placing them in a systematic row on some egg crate foam.
Meanwhile, Thane pointed out a little den at the base of a tree where a squirrel wintered.  The ground around the hole was littered with thousands of pieces of pine cones that this furry critter must have used to fortify itself over the long, cold winter months.  (Did you know that there is a tiny, edible seed inside each pine cone petal?  I didn't!)
Thane was also fascinated with the moose antlers we hung on the outside of the cabin.  Confession time: we found the antlers stuffed in the back of an old root cellar - but they still are really cool (and a part of nature - or at least they were at one time!).
Lastly, we were especially delighted to chance upon a precious robin's nest in a pine tree.  LOVE!

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