Monday, July 27, 2020


Usually we go fishing in the hopes that we are going to reel in a fish or two.  But on Saturday night, we definitely went catching (which, by the way, is WAY more fun!)
We drove up to the mountains and then hiked about 1.25 miles back into the Sawmill Lake Reservoir.  The afternoon was beautiful, and we each caught 4-5 trout.
After a couple of hours, a small but mighty thunderstorm roared through, and we had to abandon our fishing rods for safety under a pine tree to escape the frigid rain and hail.  The fish stopped biting after that, so we ate our dinner and foraged for wild strawberries.
On our way back to the car, we stopped at a dam to see if could entice any additional fish with our nitro worms.  Jordan caught the last two trout of the evening.
It was another great day in the mountains.

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