Friday, August 28, 2020

Alaskan Adventure


For several years now, Jordan has been saving for and dreaming of going on a dall sheep hunt in Alaska. He has been in awe of these amazing creatures who live in such a rugged, but stunning, landscape.  After a couple of days of travel and preparation in base camp, Jordan, his guide and a packer hiked to the top of a beautiful mountain in the Alaskan range.  Shortly before 10:00pm on opening day, Jordan shot an eleven year old ram.  It was pretty epic!

The team began to dress out and quarter this majestic animal.  As the sun set in the west, Jordan said that it was like it was giving up its spirit to God.

A couple of days later, new friend Christian (the packer) and Jordan took a 10 mile raft trip down the Wood River to relocate a camp and clear a new landing strip. 

One day, Jordan was able to video a couple of wolves that visited near camp.  All too soon, Jordan headed back to civilization.  He was blessed with one last day in the incredible Denali National Park where he saw ptarmigan, grizzlies, caribou, marmits and numerous birds of prey.

Best of all, his day in Denali was crystal clear - a first since early July.  He got a perfect view of the pristine Mt. Denali.

Jordan was born in Alaska, and its wild blood definitely runs through his veins.  He's already planning his next trip and, this time, I get to go with him.  I can't wait!

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