Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Minnesota Madness

Annabel, Thane and I just spent the most marvelous week in Minnesota.  Our first stop was just north of Minneapolis, where we got to spend some time with Jordan's Gramma.  GG, as she is affectionately known, and Uncle Bob were so generous to host us for a couple of days.
We spent one of those days at Uncle Mitch and Aunt Glenda's lakeside house.  What fun hanging out with their family!  We got to see loads of ADORABLE second cousins as we fished, swam and played in the lake.
Later we drove 3 hours north to the Pearson family cabin on Two Inlets Lake.  We spent time there last summer, and we were all so very excited to be able to repeat the experience. 
We had the most amazing week filled with adventure:  playing on the beach, fishing, swimming, go-carting, water balloon fighting, candy store visiting, root beer floating, inner tubing, movie watching, trampoline jumping, antiquing, campfire cooking and ice cream eating. 
We can't begin to thank these two beauties enough for their incredible hospitality and friendship.
It was certainly a vacation to remember - and we can't wait to go again next year.  Be warned!!

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