Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Like the rest of the world, we have been trying to find creative ways to keep ourselves occupied during the quarantine.  For the most part our weather has been lovely and spring-like, and we have spent several days outdoors raking our large yard and garden.  We've also gone on daily walks and/or bike rides.
We have come up with a daily schedule, which includes a new thing for us. We call it "others" time, and we spend this 45 minutes a day trying to do something for loved ones and neighbors.  We've made cookies for a local nursing home and artwork to send in care packages to family.  More importantly we spend time praying for our country, leaders, healthcare workers, researchers, family & friends.
This whole pandemic is a total mess.  Others speak far more eloquently about our current reality's ups (increased family time) and downs (grievous loss, decreased freedoms), and I have little to add.
But one thing does come to my mind each time I dwell on our collective situation:  others.  Perhaps my feelings are best summed up by a song written by a dear friend Laurel Elderkin:

Others, Lord. Yes, others.
Let this my motto be.
That I may live for others,
And others live through me.

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