Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Passing the Time

Thane finally had a great morning fishing.  He got 5 catfish and 1 trout last Saturday.  He was THRILLED!
We played another round of Chopped too.  The ingredients were canned hash, powdered cheese, a can of peaches and corn muffin mix.
For the first time Annabel came out in the lead for both flavor and presentation.  She made a biscuits and gravy sauce to pour over her corn muffins, which were made with chopped peaches.  She also made a yummy peach butter to put on the muffins. 
We received official notification that homeschooling has been extended to the end of the school year.  While not a surprise, this news was a disappointment in some ways.  Despite the restrictions we are muddling through and are grateful that our loved ones are healthy and safe.

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