Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Faces, New and Old

We've entertained all sorts of visitors at our home recently.  After Jordan's folks left, we had less than a week to get ready for the newest additions to the Lentz Farm:  chicks.  We ordered 20 meat birds (all of whom are, em, destined for freezer camp), and 27 egg layers. 
Days later, we went to Great Wass Island to visit old family friends Nick & Charlotte Salata.  As a kid, my family & I spent a couple blissful weeks each summer on the island with these dear friends - you could even say that Nick and Charlotte are the reason why we ended up in Machias in the first place! Just as I did as a child, Annabel & Thane LOVED looking for sea glass, hopping around the rocks and looking for seals. 
Last, but not least, Johnny drove up from Boston to see us for a few days.  Every time, we all agree that it's wonderful to see Johnny...
...although I'm fairly certain that Thane could do without Uncle Johnny's cigars!

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