Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hurricane Arthur

Shortly after Jordan's folks headed back to the west coast, we experienced another, more sinister, visitor:  Hurricane Arthur.  We weathered the storm with a few casualties:  leaky windows (the ones Jordan just hasn't had time to flash properly), several downed trees (including a 100+ year old apple), and a brook that overran its banks.
Once the winds and the rains died down, I took the kids for a drive around the area.  We found scores of downed trees,
and a huge rift in the rocks at beautiful Jasper Beach in Bucks Harbor. It may not look like it in this photo, but this is a 10 foot drop that was about 15 feet wide.  Yikes!
On the way home, we noticed something strange in the water.  It turned out to be one side of a capsized sailboat.
Fortunately, we were only without power for a little over 3 days.  The kids thought of the whole experience as an adventure, Jordan viewed it as a dry run for a disaster of apocalyptic proportions, and I was just glad to get out of cleaning for a few days!

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