Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Family Room

I'll be honest - the family room in our new house was my least favorite.  Its features included shag carpeting (in a lovely shade of faded orange no less!), a rusty woodstove that took up half of the room and dirt-laden walls. 
Quite frankly, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this room.  First, we ripped up the carpet and started to clean up the walls and ceiling:
Then we used giant iron tools to hack out the brick hearth that was added in the early 70's (1970's, that is).  YES, demo work is as much fun as it looks on those HGTV renovation shows!
Then we textured the walls and painted them a lovely sky blue.  Here's a view of the same wall:
And here's another view of the left side of the room:
The wall behind the photo above houses the piano that we inherited with the house.  One of my favorite pictures looks over the room, perched on top of the piano:
Lastly, we found an old jelly cabinet at an antique place down the road.  Because boards from the front are missing, we got it for a song.  It's the perfect size for our entertainment center, and as soon as Jordan has time again in the fall, he's going to retrofit the cabinet door into two half doors to cover up all of the movies and junk below.
None of the trim in this room (or the rest of the house) has been put back yet.  We'll be reusing the original trim, but it will take awhile to put everything back in its place.  Oh, and we're still waiting for our new wood floors to acclimate to the house.  We're hoping it won't take all winter!

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