Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Christmas

Christmas was a bit unusual for us in our new locale.  Not bad, just different. It was a quiet affair - well, about as quiet as Christmas can be with 4 and 6 year old children underfoot.  Christmas Eve was spent at a Christmas concert held by our church.  No other churches in the area hold services, so quite a large crowd gathered to listen to carols both traditional and new.  It was lovely, except that I got the stomach flu about half way through the evening.  Not quite what I had planned for the night - or the following day!

The kids opened a few presents when we got home, and they especially enjoyed the video Pappa (Jordan's Dad) made of himself reciting the Pirates Night Before Christmas, a definite favorite in our home.  Thane, especially, was enthralled, although he couldn't quite grasp why Pappa wouldn't answer any of his questions.
Bright and EARLY the next morning, our little elves were awake and ready to begin the day.
In our home, Santa fills the stockings.  Since our stockings are still packed away, we had to improvise.  Did you know one's stocking stuffer pile doesn't look quite so robust in a large paper grocery bag?  At any rate, we left opening our stockings until later in the day.  I didn't think much of that decision until Thane was walking from window to window looking for Santa's sleigh, wondering why he was taking so long:
Annabel also used some of her down time to create a nice platter of food for Santa & the reindeer:
The upside of having the flu for me was that I got out of a lot of kitchen duties this year.  No large Christmas dinner spread for us.  Nope, I got to stay on the couch in my jammies, nuzzled under the quilt that Jordan's Mom made for us. It's so Scottish - we love it!
Happy Christmas!

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