Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cold Spell

There's nothing like a good, old fashioned Maine winter to make you re-think your life decisions.  Well, it's not quite that bad, but it IS that cold! 
As if the ice storms weren't bad enough, the bitter cold snap (aka polar vortex) that followed almost threw us over the proverbial edge.  While we didn't have the -60 degree weather that some experienced in the midwest, our -20 degree weather (not including the wind chill factor) was frigid enough.  The weather wreaked havoc on the plants and trees here - we're hoping that they make it once things thaw off (hopefully before June!).
All of this cold hasn't helped much as Jordan renovates our new home. 
Yup, that's ice covering the INSIDE of one of the kitchen windows.  Now THAT'S cold!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not envious of that at all. I'm glad you're liking Maine!!

-Ardie xxoo