Sunday, September 1, 2013

Swim Club

Once again, the summer seemed to soar by at the speed of light.  It's hard to believe that it's time for school to start!  The temperatures out here have been hotter than normal - we had hot, dry heat in the mid-high 90's for almost 7 weeks straight.  Given the heat, Annabel & Thane were especially glad to get in the pool for another round of swimming lessons.
Another way we beat the heat was spending as much time as possible at one of the numerous refreshing rivers and lakes around here.  We went boating with some friends, and Annabel & Thane had their first water skiing lesson.  Annabel did especially well, and it's absolutely safe to say that any athletic ability she has came straight from her Dad!
We also discovered a new lake, Sullivan Lake, which is nestled in the mountains about 50 minutes from our home.  The water there is literally crystal clear, and there is a small air strip located directly behind the beach.  Lucky for us, a plane came in for a landing while we were enjoying our picnic.  Here's Thane waving to the pilot.
It's cool and a bit terrifying to watch a plane fly only 25 feet above you.  Thank God for happy landings!

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