Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Learning Curve

Both Annabel and Thane will be in school this year.  If you hear a high pitched squeal emanating from the west, that would be me shouting "Hallelujah!" as I perform the Happy Dance over and over again!

Thane is in preschool 3 mornings per week at Johnson Christian  School. He seems to be adjusting fairly well, although he's already had a few sick days. 
Annabel had testing last week, so she didn't start until this morning.  She is wiped out from her first full day of school, but she had a great day. 
As for me, I spent the day patting myself on the back for making it to this momentous time.  Ha!  It turns out that my self congrats were a bit premature. Annabel came home with her dress on backwards and with a very soggy lunch because I neglected to screw her thermos cover on tight.  Clearly she is more ready for this than I!

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