Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Last year's summer was atypical for our neck of the woods.  We had rain - abundant rain, which was wonderful.  It was easy to keep our gardens alive for a change, and the landscape remained a vibrant shade of green almost the entire summer.  Heavenly!

But all good things must come to end, and this year we haven't had rain in months.  This essentially means that all of last year's abundant growth is dead and combustible.  Worse yet, we've had several summer squalls that had copious amounts of lightening but dropped little-to-no precipitation.  The perfect storm for wildfires.  

There are 2 fires fairly close to us.  One is about 45 miles southeast of us.  The other is about 40 miles northeast and is creating its own weather, as can be seen in the pic I took a few days ago off our back porch.

If you think of it, please say a prayer for those who have lost houses, outbuildings and animals.  Also pray that we will get some much needed rain.  But most importantly, pray for the safety of the brave men and women on the frontlines. 

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