Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Soldier Park

Jordan and I have been exploring more of the southern edge of the Big Horns this summer.  This side of the mountains are more rocky and contain a much smaller population of elk and deer.  But they are still beautiful, and in some ways much more dramatic.

Last weekend we did a quick 6.5 mile exploratory hike to Soldier Park, where we are planning to jump onto part of the Solitude Loop this coming weekend.  

Soldier Park was given this name in the 1890's after an official army marker was found at a gravesite on the edge of the meadow.  Everyone assumed the grave belonged to a soldier.  The truth is somewhat less romantic.  In actuality, the grave belonged to a Frenchman who was helping the army survey the area.  He died after he accidentally shot himself while cleaning his gun.  But by then, the name had stuck.  And since he died so far from home, it is somewhat befitting that hundreds of people stop by his grave each year.

It was a beautiful day - and breathing in fresh air after all of the wildfire smoke was particularly refreshing.

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