The kids and I just got back from another amazing vacation in Minnesota. We did end up at the cabin, but first we headed to the twin cities to visit family and friends. We got to spend a wonderful morning brunch with Jordan's grandmother, affectionately known as "GG." Later that day, the kids hung out with their second cousins while I got to catch up with high school friends who live nearby. We spent a heartwarming day catching up on life events, even if I forgot to get photos to prove it. Thank you Chris, Jeremy, Rosie, Nathan and Kyra for an unforgettable day!

On Monday night, we made a last minute decision to head to the cabin early. It was mayhem while we scrambled to pack the car, unpack and move to a bigger car, cable jump the dead battery in another car, fuel up and spend way too much time and money at Costco (have you seen these kids eat?!?) Finally we were on our way, and the trip was definitely worth it. Mist eerily rose up over lakes throughout the drive, and the scenery was magical at sunset.
Of course the boys were out fishing first thing, and the girls slept in while recovering from a late night with a strong case of the giggles. Soon we all fell into the relaxing cabin rhythm, and before we knew it the weekend came with a new set of visitors. Jacob, Xeni's boyfriend, arrived - as did both Amie and Amy (making, you guessed it, 3 Amy's under one small cabin roof).
Throughout the week we made sure to do all of the cabin traditions - root beer floats, lake raking, sand castle crafting, swimming, fishing, thrifting, photo ops at the old truck, multiple ice cream stand visits, candy store raids, games, movies, etc., etc. But we also did a few new things, including painting the bunkroom, spending a beautiful Saturday in quaint Bemidji and getting a front seat of the northern lights on the beach.
It was an incredible week - in no small part thanks to Ant Sandy, who is incredibly patient with all of us - not to mention the hours of toil she spends standing over a hot stove in the kitchen!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for another wonderful vacation!