Sunday, August 6, 2023

While the Kids Are Away...

After Michigan, I flew to Fargo, ND, where Jordan picked me up on the way to a vacation at the family cabin in Minnesota.  Our time at the cabin, as always, was very relaxing.  Jordan and Uncle Steve wasted little time in getting on the water to fish.  This year they were aided by their trusty canine companions Peggy & Freya who were happy to alert them to any and all fish presence.

They must have been a lucky charm, since Jordan caught one of the biggest fish anyone in the family has ever caught (thanks to Uncle Steve's expert guiding skills, of course!)

I'm not gonna lie, it was a little strange to be at the cabin without Annabel & Thane, who were on opposite ends of the country.  In fact, our family missed being in all 4 U.S. time zones at the same time by a mere couple of days.  Mason and Xeni came for the week (we missed Drew too!), along with Xeni's boyfriend Jacob. 
This year we went blueberry picking, and then spent a very warm day canning syrup and jam and making blueberry pie.  But it was worth every drop of sweat!
As always, Ant Sandy does the bulk of the work and makes our stay at the cabin so delightful.  Personal chef, chauffeur, chambermaid, seamstress, laundress, decorator and pet sitter - this woman does it all!  We can't thank you and Uncle Steve enough for your boundless hospitality.
As if the cabin weren't enough, they even let us stay at their home in southern Minnesota, where we got to spend a little time with GG, the Tschida's, Aunt Glenda and Mitch.  Another wonderful year in the books - thank you!!

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