Saturday, July 9, 2016

For Better or For Worse

It's been a rough summer for Jordan's family.  First, our brother-in-law Aaron (married to Maile) endured a frightening attack of viral meningitis.  We are so grateful that he is on the mend, and life is slowly but surely getting back to normal for this sweet family.
Sadly, Jordan's other sister Abby was in a tragic accident last weekend.  While inner tubing, Buzz (as she is affectionately known to us) was run over by a jet ski.  Buzz is in rough shape, but we are so incredibly grateful for God's mercy, as her injuries could have been much worse - even fatal.  So many from around the globe have been praying for Abby, and we ask that you continue to do so as she recovers over the next few months.
Much, much love to the entire Lentz' clan in Colville.  We wish we could be there to help in some tangible way.  Know that you will all continue to be in our hearts, thoughts & prayers.

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