Monday, April 13, 2015

Our Extended Easter Fun

Easter didn't go as planned this year.
First of all, both Jordan and Thane were sick - very sick.  So, Annabel & I headed off for an amazing church service, while the boys stayed home. The story of Christ's sacrifice for mankind, in all of its redemptive glory, never grows old for me!
Next, the weather was, well, less than glorious.  This year, this is how Maine rolled at Easter.
Hours later, Annabel joined the ranks of the sickly.

By Tuesday, Thane felt well enough to go to school, where he insisted on dressing up for some of his little friends.
Of course, the kids would never let us forget about our annual egg hunt, which we finally got around to holding yesterday.  As usual, it was a mad dash,
 followed by sugar-induced contentment.
It was an adventurous hunt on a beautiful, sunny day.  
Maybe the unexpected isn't so bad after all...

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