Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cleaning Up

Spring, dare I say it, has finally arrived in this remote corner of Maine.  You can't imagine how completely thrilled and giddy we were at the sight of our crocuses (?croci) pushing up through the semi-frozen ground.
The temps are still fairly brisk, but we're more than happy to get out, catch some rays and start some outdoor chores like raking and trimming trees that don't look like they've ever seen a pair of pruning shears.
We sadly finished off the two ancient apple trees that lined the courtyard.  The kids were very sad to see their favorite climbing spot go, but the trees haven't produced in years and last summer's hurricane winds finished them off.
The good news is that we'll have a lot more sunlight.  We also took out the decrepit old fence surrounding the courtyard.  I'm looking forward to finding a replacement that has a little more character.  In the meantime, even the chickens are thrilled to get out of their coop and feast on the worms and bugs our lawn provides.
Now only if we could get them to do something about the mountains of tree limbs and debris stationed all over our yard...

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