Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Something's Missing

For several days, Annabel has been awaiting the arrival of a mythical creature who mainly works the night shift.  This lonely nymph's job is twofold:  to retrieve a bit of chiseled bone previously shed from the oral cavity of small human children and to replace it with tokens of monetary value.

For those of you who need a refresher course in childhood lore, Annabel lost her first tooth:
With inflation, we figured that the .25c we used to receive under our pillows is probably worth about .50c now.  Still, it was her first tooth, so she ended up with a whole $1 bill.  Annabel was super excited and informed us that she would save the dollar to buy either a Barbie or the Cinderella castle at Disney World.  Um, I'm no dentist, but I'm fairly certain her mouth won't produce enough teeth to purchase the latter...  Oh well, it's good to set financial goals, I suppose!

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