Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas Eve

Since my early college days, we Ahlquists have most often celebrated Christmas on the 24th.  I have many cherished memories of these times, and we continue to enjoy opening gifts and hanging out with my folks that day.  This year was no exception, although we most definitely missed Kim, Jon & the boys! 

Annabel, especially, was thrilled with the doll crib that she was given from my folks.  This crib will be cherished, as it was the big gift that my mom received the Christmas that she was five years old.  It even has my mom's name painted on it - something of which is Annabel is particularly proud.
We ended our evening with dessert:  bread from my Grandma Heydenburg and Mom's famous apple pie.  (Sorry Gramma - your bread was half gone long before I was able to get a photo of it!)  The perfect way to end a perfect evening.  Almost...
It wasn't too difficult to get our tired kiddos to bed that evening, especially with the threat of a no-show Santa should they not be sleeping when he arrived.  Luckily, Annabel roused herself just long enough to remember the milk and cookies for Santa, along with a handful of carrots for the reindeer.
  Phew- that was a close call!

1 comment:

Kathy Marsman said...

I still have my crib also. Both Shelley and then the granddaughters both played with it. It is now up in the attic waiting for the next girl.