Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Seattle - Part 1

When my friend Jenny called me a couple months ago asking if I wanted to go on a weekend road trip, I started to get excited at the prospect of getting away.  When she mentioned Seattle, I had to resist the urge to pack my bags and gas up the Jeep right then and there!  The big weekend finally arrived, and last Friday morning I found myself kissing Jordan and the kids goodbye, trying to wipe the stupid grin off my face.  I love my family desperately and I sure did miss them, but for this girl who used to travel 1-2 times/month, a road trip seemed long overdue!

Jenny and I took the scenic route, just south of the northern Washington/southern British Columbia border.  Talk about spectacular views:  our journey took us through several quaint Western towns, such as Winthrop, a new favorite.  Cute shops, antique stores, delicious food and amazing scenery - Winthrop has it all.
Perhaps the most intriguing establishment in Winthrop was a little dive named Java Man, which specializes in Espresso and Burritos.  While I'm still a bit skeptical about this combo, I'm pretty darn sure that's a guaranteed way to clean out your pipes!

After Winthrop, we ambled our way through the gorgeous Cascade Mountain range.  What an astoundingly beautiful corner of the world this is with it's rugged peaks, pristine rivers and cascading waterfalls.

Our 6 hour journey to the coast stretched into 11.5 hours with all of our food and photo stops, but what a ride!  An amazing start to a great weekend.  Stay tuned...

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