Monday, July 2, 2012


Confession time:  there's a third party in our marriage.   In fact, it's not even limited to one.  You see, Jordan and I were passionately smitten, long before we ever laid eyes on each other.  And as you may have heard, you never get over your first love.  We've tried to hide our true feelings, but we are tired of the fight and have ultimately decided to share our home.

We are talking, of course, about books.  (What were you thinking?)  For years, our beloved bibliophilic tomes have been ungraciously stuffed into boxes and plastic bins, hurtled from one storage shed to another, unceremoniously upheaved while being moved cross country, and then buried away in our attic, where they endured several seasons of blistering heat and bitter cold.

While we will eventually build a cozy library to house our books, that particular dream is several years away.  Our desire to re-incorporate reading into our lives, on the other hand, was something that wouldn't wait any longer.  So Jordan took some extra concrete blocks and lumber we had lying around, and he crafted some crude bookshelves in the room that will one day be our master bathroom.  The day we unpacked our literary treasures was one of the greatest of our lives.  (Pathetic, but true!)  It was like getting reacquainted with long lost friends.

Since then, you'll often find one of us missing.  Don't fret - you need not look far to find us, but woe to the one who intrudes on our reading idyll!  Nooks and Kindles serve their purpose, but there is NOTHING that will ever match the heft of a good book.  We read both new and familiar lines, absorb that earthy book scent and get lost in worlds far and near.  We feel that we're only an overstuffed chair and floor lamp away from heaven!
While our current reading lists are quite lengthy, we are always open to suggestion.  What are YOU reading this summer?

1 comment:

Kathy Marsman said...

Reading lots of mystery, fiction. Love John Grisham, Mary Higgings Clark, Robin Cook. And whatever else I can find.