Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Wishes

Being true blue (or is that green?) country kids, Easter is probably the one day that my kids get dressed up and stay so for the day.  (Note that I did NOT say that they stay clean...)  Annabel, who very much enjoys wearing dresses, is delighted with this arrangement.  And Thane?  Not so much.

Annabel started the holiday at church with her grandparents.  She just loves Sunday School, not to mention her special time with Grandma!
After church, we drove to Jordan's folks for his family's annual Easter egg hunt and dinner.  These eggs are filled with candy AND cold, hard cash, so competition at this particular event can be fierce.  Thane rose to the occasion, and he walked away with the most eggs and the lucky egg with the $5 bill.  I believe that officially makes him the richest member of our household! 

Another highlight of the day was an opportunity for the kids to play with the lambs in the barnyard.  Gunnar and Annabel were especially  enamored with these playful little guys, while Thane chose to stand back at a safe distance.  Interacting with live lambs made for some interesting conversation with Annabel about the true meaning of Easter, too.
Bailey, of course, is a bit too young to enjoy the festivities this year.  No matter, as she seemed perfectly content (and cute as can be!) in her Mamma's arms.  Happy Easter!

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