With a lack of babysitting services last weekend (Jordan's Mom had the week off and my Mom was out of town), Jordan and I decided that it would be the perfect time to visit some friends in Oregon. We packed our bags, cleaned the house, got rid of food in the fridge and got as much stuffed into the car as we possibly could Wednesday night, in anticipation of an early start Thursday. All was running smoothly - perhaps just a bit too smoothly... Sure enough, Jordan woke up around 2:30am with a nasty stomach virus. After several hours of misery, he finally passed out on the couch, and I started unpacking, all while trying to figure out what I was going to make for dinner the next few nights. Being a die hard Lentz, however, Jordan woke up and rallied himself long enough to finish packing the car and slump into the front seat for the rest of the day. Which meant that I was driving - a whole lotta fun for me and a whole lotta additional queasiness for Jordan.

The kids did great, a marked improvement from the last road trip we took
to Wyoming 18 months ago. Of course, the portable DVD player certainly
didn't hurt. (The BEST $80 we ever spent!) Thane actually smiled
until the last hour of the trip, a major victory for the kid who hates
being in his car seat even on our short jaunts into town.
Once in Prineville, OR, we had the most lovely visit with our dear friends, Bob & Judy Blair. Bob & Judy were neighbors in Colville, and we have missed them terribly since they moved last year. It's hard to believe that we fit in as many activities as we did in just two short days (fishing, hiking, sightseeing, antiquing, etc., etc.), and that, even more remarkably, we felt so refreshed and relaxed when we left. (Anyone who knows the Blairs knows that wine time probably helped on that front!)
Overall, the kids were very well behaved, and they enjoyed both the Blairs and their dog Bingo. The kids were loathe to leave, but I'm pretty sure that poor Bingo breathed a huge sigh of relief when we rolled out of the driveway!