Monday, March 19, 2012

Wrestle Mania

One of the main reasons we moved here was to reduce the tension and noise in our lives.  Though we are quite low key compared to many, there are definite times of the day when our family moves to the beat of a decidedly heavy metal drum.  The time immediately proceeding dinner is especially chaotic at our place.  While it is our hope that we raise book readers instead of couch potatoes (and feel the need to lead by example), we were finding ourselves pooled in an exhausted heap on the couch in front of the tube after dinner each night.  The kids, of course, took our temporarily distracted state as a personal challenge and whipped themselves into a frenzy trying to compete with the television's sights and sounds.  

So, we've vowed not to watch tv until the kiddos are in bed, and  we are going to cancel our satellite cable subscription.  Problem solved, right?  Ha- silly us!  The kids have found a new, and infinitely louder, pastime: wrestling.  That's right, we are now treated to SMACKDOWN! mayhem each night, right on the kitchen floor.  As the kids roughly pummel their exhausted father, I do my best to clear the table and avoid any nasty plate upsets as I navigate my way through Wrestle Maniaville.  Utter cacophony ensues, and our hard won tranquility has, once again, become a thing of the past.
Ugh!  That had to hurt...

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