Monday, March 12, 2012

The Inside's Out

We've gotten numerous requests over the past few months for photos of the inside of our house, and we have been somewhat reluctant to comply with these requests.  Contrary to the wild rumors flying out there, it's not because the house is trashed (although there are days when it would be wise to call ahead before making any unexpected visits!)  The real reason is that the house isn't, well, done.  Yes, the construction has been (mostly) completed, but there is a plethora of trimwork, paint jobs & decorating that has yet to be finished.  To be honest, Jordan and I would both love for the house to be perfect before we show it off, but perfection takes time - and lots of money.  At the rate we seem to be moving these days, it could quite possibly take a LONG time to show you pics of a finished house.  Thus, we're proposing a compromise:  we'll post some photos of the inside of our home, if you promise not to look too closely at our unfinished business. 

So, without further ado (drumroll, please), here are some photos of our newly wallpapered hallway.  My Mom graciously volunteered her Sunday morning to help hang the darn stuff, and thank God that she did!  It totally transformed the space, and we can't wait until the runner, trumeau and console we're planning to add arrives.  Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Kathy Marsman said...

Keep sending pictures, it looks beautiful.