Annabel also enjoys gardening. She helps plant, water and weed our vegetable patch, and she likes to work on the flower beds as well. She even created her own "bootiful" garden of wood, rope, rocks and bark - oh, and I believe there might actually be a floral stem in there as well.

Lastly, our colorful little girl delights in all things, er, colorful. She is quite creative and recently came home from Grandma's with some homemade jewelry. When I commented on her beautiful necklace, Annabel informed me that it was not a necklace, but an accessory. Well then, I stand corrected!

Thane, on the other hand, is all boy. If there is a tool or electronic device within a 50 mile radius, chances are he has found it, used it and (more than likely) broken it! He also loves the outdoors, and he really enjoys walking along our country lane - especially when we bring a ball along.
Thane remains a long, skinny little guy, so we don't mind letting him indulge in the occasional scoop of ice cream or slice of cake. His look of sheer delight and exhuberant laughter while scarfing down these treats is priceless.
At the end of a long day of playing and eating, Thane gets tuckered out. I set him down in his crib a few days ago to run downstairs. This is exactly how I found him when I returned moments later:That can't be comfortable. Oh well - sleep tight!
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