Sunday, June 26, 2011


The kids continue to do well.  Annabel is now 3 1/2, which is old enough to start helping with some of the farm chores.  Her favorite chore of all is collecting eggs, and she has gotten markedly more careful when handling these delicate objects.  She is so careful that we have started to let her gather eggs on her own.  Below is a pic of her first solo egg picking expedition - a successful one at that.  Both parents and child were thrilled.
Annabel also enjoys gardening.  She helps plant, water and weed our vegetable patch, and she likes to work on the flower beds as well.  She even created her own "bootiful" garden of wood, rope, rocks and bark - oh, and I believe there might actually be a floral stem in there as well.

Lastly, our colorful little girl delights in all things, er, colorful.  She is quite creative and recently came home from Grandma's with some homemade jewelry.  When I commented on her beautiful necklace, Annabel informed me that it was not a necklace, but an accessory.  Well then, I stand corrected!

Thane, on the other hand, is all boy.  If there is a tool or electronic device within a 50 mile radius, chances are he has found it, used it and (more than likely) broken it!  He also loves the outdoors, and he really enjoys walking along our country lane - especially when we bring a ball along.
Thane remains a long, skinny little guy, so we don't mind letting him indulge in the occasional scoop of ice cream or slice of cake.  His look of sheer delight and exhuberant laughter while scarfing down these treats is priceless.
At the end of a long day of playing and eating, Thane gets tuckered out.  I set him down in his crib a few days ago to run downstairs.  This is exactly how I found him when I returned moments later:
That can't be comfortable.  Oh well - sleep tight!

Coming Out of the Closet

Actually, it's more like moving into the closet...

After years of storing our clothes on flimsy portable clothes rods, in stinky plastic bins and on small hooks, Jordan built me a FABULOUS master closet last week.  An organizer's dream, this closet has lots of little nooks & crannies to store all of our stuff.  I've happily spent the last few days arranging the closet, but I won't be posting after shots - I wouldn't want to air all of my dirty laundry, after all.  (Sorry for the bad pun - I think I've been hanging out with my father-in-law too much!)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Three Little Pigs - A True Story

Once upon a time, there was a family who dreamed of raising pigs on their farm.  One fine spring day, the family drove across town to see baby pigs who needed a new home.  Three pigs were chosen, and the family welcomed them to their new abode.  At first, the three little pigs were happy at their new home.  But then, the big bad dog Angus greeted them.  Angus made the pigs skittish, and more than a little nervous.  Besides, the piggies yearned for their mommy.  So, as the farmer ran to his nearby shed to repair a small opening in the pig pen fence, the three little pigs squeezed out of the hole and dashed away.

The first little piggie rushed as fast as she could across the field, away from the farmhouse.  Unfortunately for her, Angus could also run fast, and the little piggie was cornered at the bottom of the hill.  She fought valiantly against the big bad dog, but she was quickly subdued and returned to the farm, a little worse for the wear.

The second little piggie was smarter, and he ran past the house toward the road.  He was not smart enough, however, as he only ran in circles.  Shortly thereafter, the pig returned to the farm where the farmer's wife stealthily steered it back to the farmer who captured it with his trusty net.  The net broke and chaos briefly erupted, but this little pig was cornered and eventually caught.

Meanwhile, the third little piggie was very wise, indeed.  He sprinted west toward the forest and the setting sun.  The farmer, his wife and relatives from both near and far took up the search.  He was spotted and almost apprehended on numerous occasions, but his swift feet and the farmer's broken net assured his freedom again and again.  It soon grew dark, and the farmer's family returned home empty handed. A cold, steady drizzle greeted the farmer the next morning.  With each passing wet and chilly hour, hope of ever finding the missing pig dwindled.  Several searches were conducted, but the little piggie was not to be found.

Suddenly, after dinner, the telephone rang.  A bitty lost piggie had been spotted trotting down the road near the farmer's house.  The farmer and his family hopped in their truck with renewed hope that the prodigal pig might return.  The farmer spied the pig and pushed it toward the farmer's wife, his unusually silent daughter and the big bad dog.  Hilarious mayhem ensued, but the farmer prevailed and the hungry, exhausted piggie returned home where it promptly curled up next to its brother and sister and fell fast asleep.

Yes, this is one little piggie who will live happily ever after - until the farmer's wife roasts him on Christmas Day!

In summary:
One little piggie tried to return to the market.
One little piggie stayed near home.
The two who didn't roam were rewarded with roast beef.
The third, wandering piggie received none.
And that sad little piggie squealed "Flee! Flee! Flee!" all the way home.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Family Day at the Beach

For the first time in ages, we took the day off to have a family day at the beach.  We chose to visit the "Flats," a small, sandy stretch along the Columbia River.  The last time we had a picnic there, the river was high and we had to sit on its grassy banks to eat.  This year, however, the water was quite low, and we actually got to set up our picnic about 1/3 of the way out from the riverbank.  Although we all got a bit muddy, the grime only added to the fun.

While Jordan and Annabel walked along the water looking for treasure (i.e. fresh water clam shells, crab legs, and drift wood nibbled by beavers), Thane was content to gather as many mud pies as he possibly could:

Later, we trekked back to the soft, sandy area of the Flats to make sand castles.
Thane was thrilled with our new location, and he promptly began eating sand by the shovel load.  Ugh!
Judging by the kids' reaction, we think that this family day was a big hit.