I don't know about you, but Harvest/Halloween festivities seemed much less chaotic when I was a kid. Not that we're complaining, mind you. We were just busy. It all started Friday evening, when the kids dressed in their costumes for the annual Halloween Kiddie Parade in town. Thane, as you can see, tried his best to be a big, fierce bear. Admit it - you're afraid, aren't you?
Annabel, who dressed up as Astrid from "How to Train Your Dragon," was slightly more convincing in her role. Her Dad thinks that her costume was great. That is, after all, how he wants boys to remember her - as a warrior who can whip their butts if they even think about getting out of line in the future!
Saturday, we drove along the Columbia River to help some friends clear brush and work on their cabin. Later that night, we relaxed around a wonderfully warm bonfire and roasted orange, pumpkin-shaped marshmallows.
Thane thought that the marshmallows were a huge hit, and he took advantage of the thick darkness to sneak as many as he could. What a mess...
Sunday found us at the Lentz' house, where we really enjoyed a hayride on Pappa's tractor.
Gunnar's very wise reaction to Pappa's driving:
Mamma didn't seem to fare much better in the food department. She accidentally dropped a plate of muffins on the ground. The muffins were covered in dirt and had worms - UGH!
She even made a Frankenstein-shaped cheese ball. He was super cute - and he tasted good, too.
Despite these frightening events, we spent a great evening hanging around the campfire with Jordan's family: Annabel with Mamma, and Thane with his beloved baby cousin Bailey.
Last, but not least, the kids donned their costumes one last time for some official trick-or-treating on Monday evening. We got to visit some friends and neighbors, and ended up at my parent's place. There we got to hang out with more family. Undoubtedly, the cutest pair in the bunch was Lucas and Cody who were, of course, two peas in a pod!