Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kissing Cousins

Annabel is absolutely thrilled to have more cousins.  While she adores Gunnar (Jordan's sister's son), we don't often get to see or play with him.  So Annabel has been particularly excited by the arrival of two new cousins that live right next door.  She can be seen snuggling with Lucas (above) and Cody (below):

Thane, on the other hand, isn't too sure what to think of Kim & Jon's little guys.  He seemed less than thrilled (i.e. scared) of the twins during their first encounter, but he quickly warmed up to the babies.  By the end of their second visit, Thane was patting Cody on the head and hugging Lucas:

The entire family was recently together to celebrate Jon's birthday, and we somehow managed to get a shot of all four of the Ahlquist grandbabies together.  We think they are all kinda cute!

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