Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Family that Hikes Together...

Due to the everyone's busy schedules, we haven't done a family hike in quite awhile.  All of that changed last weekend, when we headed up to the location where we camp during hunting season. The scenery was beautiful, and it was perfect weather for a hike - although it did hail and rain a bit off and on throughout the morning.

To top off an already special day, we came across a few pretty magical sites.  We were on a trail that is rarely used, and as we came to the top of an open meadow we got to watch a coyote momma with 4 pups rolling and playing in the field below. 

When we arrived at our campsite to enjoy lunch, we were thrilled when Thane spotted a nearby sow and 3 cubs (one of which was tiny - clearly the runt of the bunch). 

Hiking with the kids adds a whole different dynamic, and we try to make things fun for them so they'll want to spend more time in the outdoors.  On this occasion, the package of Double Stuf Oreos that I snuck into my backpack completely did the trick!  In addition, we encouraged Annabel to embrace her feminine side as she spent time looking for unique wildflowers.

Thane, on the other hand, was focused on finding the skull from the last elk that Grampa shot on the mountain.  When we came to the general area, Thane and Jordan climbed a good way up the steep hillside and found what they were looking for.

All in all, we hiked about 8.25 miles.  We are hoping it doesn't take another 3 years before we can get up to the mountains together again!

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