Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Out Foxed


We have been watching a family of foxes over the past few months.  Their den is in the draw behind our house, and many nights earlier this spring we watched 9(!) kits tumbling and playing together while their vixen mom hovered nearby.  We couldn't get close enough to get photos, but last night we spied a pair hunting in our neighbor's freshly hayed pasture.  We hope to get to see the kits again soon.

Solitude Loop Hike

Jordan and Troy recently took a few days to do a LONG mile hike in the Big Horns.  Called the Solitude Loop, this hike circles the base of the highest mountains, including the dramatic Black Tooth that we see from our front porch.  

The men say that the hike was brutal in spots, and about 20 of its 65 miles were in heavy timber.  But the remaining 40 miles were absolutely spectacular.

There wasn't a lot of wildlife at this altitude (10,500+ feet), but they did see a small group of elk one day, and they kicked up a moose the next.

Jordan and I are planning to hike the 2 most beautiful sections of the trail in separate trips later this summer: one to Highland Park at the base of Bear Tooth and then a 40 mile loop over Labor Day Weekend.  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Family that Hikes Together...

Due to the everyone's busy schedules, we haven't done a family hike in quite awhile.  All of that changed last weekend, when we headed up to the location where we camp during hunting season. The scenery was beautiful, and it was perfect weather for a hike - although it did hail and rain a bit off and on throughout the morning.

To top off an already special day, we came across a few pretty magical sites.  We were on a trail that is rarely used, and as we came to the top of an open meadow we got to watch a coyote momma with 4 pups rolling and playing in the field below. 

When we arrived at our campsite to enjoy lunch, we were thrilled when Thane spotted a nearby sow and 3 cubs (one of which was tiny - clearly the runt of the bunch). 

Hiking with the kids adds a whole different dynamic, and we try to make things fun for them so they'll want to spend more time in the outdoors.  On this occasion, the package of Double Stuf Oreos that I snuck into my backpack completely did the trick!  In addition, we encouraged Annabel to embrace her feminine side as she spent time looking for unique wildflowers.

Thane, on the other hand, was focused on finding the skull from the last elk that Grampa shot on the mountain.  When we came to the general area, Thane and Jordan climbed a good way up the steep hillside and found what they were looking for.

All in all, we hiked about 8.25 miles.  We are hoping it doesn't take another 3 years before we can get up to the mountains together again!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Fishing (and Catching too!)


Jordan and Thane have been spending as much time fishing and camping as possible since school let out in late May.  They have hiked to some beautiful, remote lakes in the mountains and have been rewarded with some great fishing.  

Thane wants to know why summer can't last forever?  We do too, Buddy.  We do too!

Happy Birthday Gramma!


We got to celebrate this fabulous woman last weekend on her 85th birthday.  Although very warm (it got to be 98 degrees by late afternoon), it was otherwise a great day.  Surrounded by scores of family and friends, Gramma spent the day laughing and feeling the love.

We feel especially blessed that we get to live close to both Gramma and Grampa here in Sheridan.  They have become a special part of each of our lives.  It was also nice to connect with other members of the fam.  Much love to you all!

Hiking with Jordan's Folks

Jordan's parents were in town last weekend for Gramma Bobi's birthday (more on that later).  Anyone who knows the Lentz' knows that Lentz vacations are work vacations.  So after an almost 12 hour ride to get here on Friday, we rewarded Dad & Mom with an early wake up call to go hiking on Saturday.  

It was quite overcast when we left the house, but we eventually drove up above the clouds and were rewarded with fabulous weather.
We made our way up to the Black Mountain lookout, which is a 4+ mile roundtrip hike with about 1000 ft of elevation gain.  Toward the very end of the trail, we emerged above the treeline.  You can stop there, but we chose to make the last push up to the fire tower.  I love the stone staircase that was built to access the granite cliffs above.

Once at the top, we had a snack and took a few minutes to catch our breath and enjoy the views from our 9500ft vantage point.

Dad and Mom aren't often here in the summer, and it was so much fun to be able to enjoy the mountains with them in the warm sun.