Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Spit and Polish


The weather is finally nice enough to start working on the Airstream in earnest.  Jordan recently started polishing the aluminum shell of the trailer, using a few different methods.  He's decided on the best way forward, and will work on this project more after taking a break to work on the frame. 

The frame underneath the trailer needed some work as it was a bit rusty in spots, but overall appeared to be in great shape for being 71 years old.  But first we had to fit our 9ft+ Airstream into our garage to start the next phase.  This turned out to be a bit tricky since said garage only has 8ft doors!  No problem!  We removed the axle and tires, and then Thane slowly backed the frame into the garage, with Jordan and I directing, angling and pushing as needed.  What could possibly go wrong?!?!  😂  

After some rather careful maneuvering, we were successful and began the next task: removing the rust, painting and resealing the frame.  The boys spent grueling hours removing hundreds of rivets to separate the various components of the trailer.  Then we braced the inside and lifted it off the frame.

Once the rust was removed and the frame sealed, Jordan cut plywood to make a new base.  He had to carefully recreate the rounded curves, as none of them matched (much to his chagrin).

We still need to poly the plywood and wrap it in metal, but we are thrilled to be heading in the direction of reviving Ellie (instead of breaking her down).
We'll keep you posted...

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