Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Big Horn Garden of the Gods Hike

Jordan, Freya and I hiked up to an area of the Big Horns known as Garden of the Gods.  It was a beautiful hike on an idyllic summer day!

In addition to moose sightings, we came across several small sets of elk throughout the day.

One thing that I love about climbing in the mountains is the ability to observe nature at both a macro (above) and micro level (below):

Then every once in a while, we come across man's attempt to conquer nature, like this lookout shelter that someone jury-rigged on a cliff overlooking the valley.

While I appreciate the ingenuity and muscle that went into hauling 2 ladders, thick rope and plywood up 1300+ feet (the last of which was 50 feet of sheer cliff), I think that we'll take a hard pass at exploring this little gem any further!

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