Monday, June 19, 2023


The year seems to be flying by!  Annabel has kept busy with her advanced studies, her job as a lifeguard at our local YMCA and learning how to drive.  Thane, as you can see, has not veered from his love of hunting and fishing.  He's been turkey and bear hunting this year.  While we have a few turkey breasts in the freezer, the bear remained elusive. Jordan has stayed busy with work, fixing up the old 4 Runner and winter camping (there's still a lot of snow in the mountains).

In mid-April, I found out that I'd be changing positions at work - and that my part time job was changing to full time for awhile. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about that!  I made a last minute, quick trip to Baltimore for some training, and I feel like I've been running a marathon ever since.

We have had some things to celebrate however.  Mother's Day brought chocolates and sympathy cards (for the loss of my freedom & sanity!)  😂

I did VERY reluctantly pause to celebrate a milestone birthday. 50.  Yikes!  The kids gave me a lobster dinner, and Jordan's folks made me a delicious blueberry pie while we were visiting.  

Jordan felt that the occasion called for more than mere candles to commemorate.  Um, I feel like my hot flashes more than cover it!

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