Sunday, November 20, 2022

Spontaneous Road Trip

It is so easy to grow apart in our modern culture.  Lately we've noticed that most evenings after dinner each member of our family wanders off in a different part of our home to take care of our various responsibilities.  We see each other in passing, but those moments can be few and far between.  A few weekends ago, Jordan decided that we'd break things up a bit and take a spontaneous family road trip to Yellowstone National Park.  We woke up early and were on the road by 4:00am to get to the Park while animals were still out and about.
The Park was set to close the next day, and we were so lucky to be able to visit when the roads and parking lots were fairly empty of tourists.  
The Park was beautiful with lots of fall colors and snow in the higher elevations.
The quieter park made for some amazing animals sightings.  We saw significantly more elk than we've ever seen in the park, along with the usual plethora of buffalo in the gorgeous Lamar Valley.

We also spent 30+ minutes studying a grizzly bear at the far end of the Valley.  What a majestic creature!
It was a long, but amazing, day (we got home shortly before 10:00pm).  We are so grateful for the privilege to explore God's creation as a family.

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