Saturday, August 13, 2022

On Cabin Time

This summer Annabel spent several weeks in Washington, visiting Jordan's folks and helping with the cherry harvest at Uncle Kelly and Aunt Michele's orchard.  She loved her time there and got back home with literally hours to spare before we drove across Montana and North Dakota to spend a week at the cabin.

As usual, the week revolved around the water - whether it was swimming, sunbathing, inner tubing or water balloon battles.  

In addition to our time-honored traditions, we try to do something a little different each time we visit.  This year the kids picked a ton of fresh, sweet strawberries and we made a whole lot of jam and syrup.  YUM!
Amie and the boys came up for a few days, and we had a great time with them (as always!)  All the kids get along, and we cherish our time with this crazy crew!

And at the end of our very full days, we all sat back and appreciated God's beautiful creation.

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